
Onyancommunication Vol.4


How about this, Marcelol ?

3 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

wow, that's amazing, this song in onyancore version in your initial moment like be a black metal hahahaha, PERFECT!!!PERFECT!!! thanks for play my request

Sorry my delay to send any notice, but i'm here and everyday hear yours songs

keep on onyancore

OBS: I send a e-mail too minevsky

1st fan in brazil

匿名 さんのコメント...

Thanx for the coment and e-mail.

Talking about the initial moment,BLACK METAL?? I don't know about black metal but this arrange is very infulenced by BLACK SABBATH,isn't it,hahaha??

Anyway we are dreaming of making mosh pit in front of us...It must be funny but cool the audience do moshing and diving in front of Ryoko or Hanchan.

匿名 さんのコメント...

本番OKらしいです+.(・∀・).+☆ ttp://e29.mobi/